Friday, January 1, 2021

Predictions for 2021

 So, back when I had friends, we would try to get together before the new year and make predictions for what was coming in the upcoming year for the world and for us personally.  So I will lone candle it and carry on the tradition myself.

Looking to the future it is really hard to predict what is going to happen.  Out the gate we have some event January 6th where either Biden will be elected or there will be a challenge.  So prediction number one is...

1) Trump will not leave office without a fight.  

Iran has been acting up lately, so prediction two is...

2) There will be a limited war with Iran, that could result in a nuclear "accident" in Iran.

China will not like Trump staying in power, so...

3) Chinese will continue to infiltrate the USA and our relations with China will continue to decline.  No war yet though, but there might be some collateral damage where Chinese forces are in the way or fight against us where they should not be.

4) Israel will find more info and may start building the Temple, or at least you will be hearing more about it.

If Trump retains power, he will have to go after the coup plotters, so...

5) The insurrection act will be used against the legal and financial groups that fund and protect groups like Black Lives Matter which will be sent into the streets again if Trump stays in power. There will be violence but with the leadership decapitated things will somewhat settle, but there will be violence from the left all throughout the year.

6) The vaccine will not be forced, but it will be more and more harder to escape taking it. Lockdowns will continue and destroy most small businesses.  New strains will show up.

7) There will at least one additional stimulus package (not counting the one being proposed now).  There will also be greater talk of a great reset and the end of capitalism. But action on that will come in the next few years after.

8) On a personal level, I will have some sort of job in March.

9) My wife and I will be living apart at least part of the year with my child being mostly with me.

10)  We will sell the RV at a huge loss.

That is it for my predictions this year.  I think 2020 was a horrible year for many of us.  A lot of people are looking for relief in 2021.  I don't think it will be there for most of us.  But left up your eyes, Jesus is coming back soon, maybe even in 2021.  

1 comment:

infocyde said...

I did pretty meh this year. Missed some big ones.