Saturday, November 3, 2012

My response to my relatives posting political stuff on facebook

I vow to not post anything political in my my main timeline until after the elections from here on in. But I will respond to political drone (either pro Obama or Romney) post that focus on a sin of one side while ignoring the mountain of sins on the other. Obama and Romney both support indefinite detention without trial of US citizens, neither will touch the Federal Reserve, and neither will prosecute with any passion the crooks on wall street. Obama and Romney are owned. You need to own that. Own it. Eat it. Taste it. Quit living in fantasy land you little princesses. And about your little vote changing you know what math is? On a national election your one vote means absolutely nothing statistically. Nothing. Zero. Nada. If that is you level of political involvement the boat called having a meaningful impact sailed by you a long time ago. Own that too. As long as you are delusional you can't change the system, and little princesses the system needs to be changed. But you can't change a system with tools that do not work. Emerging from your crib to drop a piece of paper in a bucket once every four years for one of the pre-screened candidates is a gesture in futility. You have done nothing. Own that to. Once you own these concepts, you might start thinking about how really powerless you are, and you might start focusing on where you do have power. It might require you to lose the diapers and crawl out of safety of the crib. It might cause you to give up some assumptions that made you feel safe. But know this, thre are wolves in the sheep's pen, and they aren't going to go away. They are coming for you and the people you love...incrementally, but they will not stop until they own it all, even your soul. And hiding / ignoring them, remaining willfully ignorant of inconvenient truths will not stop enables them. Wake up, stand up, and resist...peacefully, but meaningfully and with knowledge. Else you won't even know you are wolf bait until it is too late. Done.

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