Sunday, March 2, 2025

New Recipe, Hopefully Different Outcome

 I'm facing:

  • Just got official word my job is going away in three months.
  • Due to the above, highly unmotivated about work.
  • Even though I'm told I'm going away, lot's of high profile projects in my lap.
  • Moving, got less than a week.
  • I unexpectedly had to drop everything and fly out and get my son and bring him back for a few weeks.
  • My parents flew out to help, God bless them, so there is help.
  • Health issues causing me to lose a lot of sleep.
So, out of all is my ideal situation.  It may not be God's. But out of the ashes I hope to happen in the next six to seven months.
  • Be working mostly if not entirely for myself or with a small group of like minded people.
  • Be more healthy.
  • Know where I'm going to live.  I don't need much.  A data pipe, a bathroom, a bedroom or two, a bed, a desk, place to store a few things, a kitchen area, and a place for my dog.  Ideally a mostly square box that is inexpensive that I can put up fake walls to create spaces.  
  • Be closer to my son.
  • Walking closer with God.
Funny, the above should be in the reverse order.

Onward and Upward.

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