Tuesday, March 3, 2020

You Can Lead a Horse to Water...

...but you can't make him drink!

I've been pretty mellow online about the Covid-19 virus.  I KNEW it was bad when I head the first reports from China.  And I SUSPECTED it was a lab leak.  But I had and still have no idea how badly it will affect the rest of the world.  So I researched and watched.

What was my conclusion?  It's bad, and it will probably explode here soon at least up until summer.  Beyond that when things heat up for most of the USA, I don't know.

But even though I've been mellow, I started to look at things.  n95 disposable mask...sold out.  Hand sanitizer...sold out.  Bulk food stuffs on pantry...mostly sold out.  So regardless of what happens, people are prepping/stockpiling.  Also China is partially shut down economically.  Since we have been geniuses and exported most of our production to China, that means looming shortages at least in the short term of many goods is coming.

I've told people.  People just regurgitate some of the following-

  • Covid-19 is a conspiracy to take down the economy and take down Trump.  It isn't really a thing.
  • Covid-19 is just like the flu.  It is bad sure but nothing really to worry about.
Well if you fall into those two categories, and are doing nothing to prep for at least the shortages, I wash my hands of you.  You stubborn asses. 

What is even more personally infuriating is the whole "don't let the media scare you.  Do your own research."  You ignorant rubes, you tell me this while parroting back to me the talking points of the mainstream media.  I'm freaking sorry but if you think you are informed about the world let alone Covid-19 by watching CNN or listening to some slow talking NPR talking heads you fail.  You fail epic-ally.  Instead of telling me to do research why don't you get off your own lazy asses and do actual research!  This thing is most likely from a lab in Wuhan.  It is highly contagious, and the 1% fatality rate is a bogus number because it is based on Chinese metrics, that, if you had done actual research, you would have known were BS because you would have seen the leaked videos coming out of China and other collaborative information that verify the official numbers are bogus. 

I'm kind of sick of my stubborn Q-psyoped fellow conservatives as well as the opportunist liberals as well as the hypnotized proles that just watch main stream news and think they are in the know.

I warned many of you but you were smarter than me.  You don't take me seriously even though I research hours a day on geopolitics and what is happening in the world.  Well let's see how those smarts work out for you by mid April.

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