Dealing with-
- Have to move out of the one bedroom efficiency apartment into a three bedroom house this weekend.
- Have to pack up my old house 2.5 hours away by the end of the month.
- Wife is leaving for job training for three weeks, so packing and cleaning of the homes I'm on my own for.
- We are adopting a toddler and we are waiting the last word on when we can go overseas to get him. I will have to let me job know I will need additional time off when I get back, they may not like that.
- Just found out my Father who has a self inflicted condition, almost died again last night. He just flat out is going to die soon and no one can or will stop it. I'm far away and it pains me that I am not there and no one else other than my Mom who is overwhelmed is. I am going to try to visit him in the next few weeks and spend as much time with him as I can. I'm eight hours away with a semi-functioning vehicle so it is hard.
- Work crunch is on, big project due in a few weeks, I'm just not carrying my weight as much as I would like to.
- Wife and I, most likely do to stress, arguing a bit.
- I'm in such a remote area now my internet access is through my 4G phone and although it is working better than expected it isn't 100% reliable which is causing me more grief.
- Recovering from a nose surgery and breathing at night is difficult. Sometimes I get 6 hours of sleep, sometimes a whole lot less.
- Taking care of three pets without a yard (minor annoyance but when I got two hours of sleep walking them till they poop is a pain).
Just a lot of "balls" to be juggling at once. Important ones too, like getting my son settled in his new life and my father saved if possible (Jesus has to do the work, but I need to tell him more) before he passes. Maybe when He gets saved God in his mercy will grant him more life. If he does this if and when something happens my tears will be of joy that I will see my Father, who is a great man who gave so much to all of us and got so little back, again instead of tears of bitter sorrow. I love you Dad.
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