Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Analysis of CNN's Teaparty 9/12 Debate

This actually comes from commentary bouncing back and forth from me and another person, but it captures where I think of how the CNN Teaparty debate went off last night-

 [Co-Worker] My wife heard Bachman ripping Perry about the vacination for 12 year old girls and she got mad!! NO ONE IS GOING TO TELL ME WHAT SHOTS I AM GOING TO GIVE MY DAUGHTERS!! She doesn't like him just because of that!! Thinks he is in deep with the pharacutical companies!! I missed it, but caught some highlights this morning.

 [Me] He admitted getting 500k from Merk(?), a big pharma co... I'd sat that and his support for giving illegals state tuition rates would have really damaged him....if... Ron Paul hadn't said a few things that cost him any chance of being a contender.

[Me] They got Paul talking about 911 and it being a result of us meddling in other countries. That sunk his ship I think. Perry's only real challenger now is Romney I think.

[Me] Santorium, Gingrich, and Cain all made good points. Cain was the only guy with actual stratagies going forward. Bachmann might as well have not been there other than her vaccine attack on Romney, they pretty much steered questions away from her.

[Me] Huntsman sounded very intelligent and gave great answers, but he had this dbag egotistical smirk while he gave them, and paused after each point as if to say "what, you do not applaud for my greatness"? That will put him out I think.

[Me] A little talk about the Fed, but it was all about fixing it, not removing it. I think two sentences, one by Romney and one by Bachmann delt with trade being a problem. Less than 10 seconds of commentary...fail.

[Me] There, now you are in the know from an "experienced" political analyst. After the next debate I'd expect to see Gingrich drop out for sure, others might hang on a bit. End.


Covnitkepr1 said...

I'm following your RPG blog.

infocyde said...

I was wrong about Gingrich, he is apparently closing on Romney. Interesting.