Sunday, February 6, 2011

Good Government Chart

A good friend of mine posted a graphic of what makes good government on Facebook. I couldn't help but comment. Here is the graphic.

Here were my comments.

Consensus Oriented: Current regime is about top down consensus building not following a bottom up organic consensus. In political science that is indicative of fascism coming.

Participatory: Really less than 1% of Americans involved in choosing leadership. Maybe 30% more get to choose one of the hand picked candidates.

Follows the rule of law: Law has become who can hire the best legal guns rather than original intent. People who rob a 7-11 for a few hundred dollars go to Prison, those who loot billions get a slap on the wrist and are rehired. Hard to enforce laws correctly when enforces are past or future employees of those who they enforce.

Effective and Efficient: Our government does some things effectively and some even efficiently, but not many. The last thing you want to do with some organization that is struggling with meeting its obligations with the task at hand is give it more task, which is exactly what has been going on for the last 100 years.

Equitable and Inclusive: Now this is just outright funny. Statistically, the more secretive organizations you belong to, if you graduated from a select group of schools, if you are of certain family lines, have backgrounds as an employee of certain corporations or on the board of certain trust or think tanks, the more likely you are to hold office. For the vast majority of us the system is anything but inclusive.

Responsive: Depends on the crisis. If the crisis will suit the need of furthering certain agendas the response is often preemptive. If not, don't expect any federal help coming anytime soon.

Transparent: Now this is funny. In some ways our government is extremely transparent, if it thinks that no one will look at the info their is almost a perverse enjoyment in releasing info burred in official documents. Or again if agendas are suited, information is often "leaked". But, try to do things like audit the treasury,find out which lammer originated a government policy, or get an accounting of where money in general is going good luck.

Accountable: TARP, QE2, MK Ultra, defrauding, etc... Our government is accountable to no one, nor does it enforce accountability for breaking laws on elites that have a relationship with the government.

In essence, our greatness is vestigial. The people who built our great nation and manned the walls are gone or retiring. What is left is a bunch of pigs at the troughs, clandestine communist transformationalist and one worlders, financial and corporate interest trying to shape policy in their favor or push the consequences of bad decisions onto the tax payer, power hungry lamos who view political office as an evolution of their career, and a precious few who try to keep things limping along (God bless those people, need more of them).

The above chart screams "Clean house". Or our freedom, our wealth, and our way of life will quietly vanish while the masses play xbox and watch the latest dancing with the stars in front of the dream machine. Pathetic. I know my grandfather didn't scrape bodies off the sides of ships the day after pearl harbor or my dad live a quiet life of depression while he manned the wall during the cold war to let America end up like this. Makes me PISSED. Wake up people. It is your country, they down own you yet. PUSH BACK and become truly EDUCATED while you still can. Your republic needs you.

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