Thursday, August 19, 2010

O is a Puppet.

Leaks of this have been coming out for awhile, which in and of itself might be some sort of psyop to get people really pissed off. Regardless, O is very linked to the intelligence community (not the guys who are actually trying to protect our nation, the shadier ones above them), which is also very linked to the financial sector of this society (not your local credit union, but Goldman Sacks, Chase, AIG, etc…), which is also linked to big media and many large religious groups. O was chosen as their puppet. It is time Americans grew up and realized our political system can better be explained by a World Wrestling Federation model than that of a function Republic/Democracy.

Here is further documentation, more is coming, and Obama’s official story will not hold. What does it mean when it comes down? In my perfect world, there would be a lot of executions. But it isn’t my perfect world is it? Be wary of free gifts, this might be a deliberate chipping away, for an agenda unrevealed. Move forward with caution, but do spread the word, as this will wake some people up.

The string unravels…

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