Monday, May 11, 2020

Covid-19: My Quick Take

I plan to write a more expanded post about this, heck I might even do a video.  Here is my current thinking on the Corona Virus, which should be called the CCP Wuhan Virus as others have stated.

The Virus: Natural, but upgraded to better infect people through genetic engineering.

Origin: A dual use biomedical/covert biowarfare research lab in Wuhan China.

Deliberately Released?: Right now I'm leaning towards no, but there was a lot of tinkering with the Corona Virus outside of China in North Carolina, Canada, Ft. Detrick, and elsewhere.  There was also funding going to Wuhan for messing with Corona, possibly to keep an eye on what the Chinese were up to by having a finger in things but also possibly to skirt US three year ban about upgaining function in Corona related viruses.  It also looks real suspicious that Bill Gate's foundation and the WHO(?) ran a Corona virus pandemic simulation in October of 19.  It is hard to ignore the pattern that usually before planned events happen there seem to be a lot of drills for them either before or during to add confusion during an actual event.  But for now I'll tentatively hold to that the virus was leaked accidentally.  But again, my thinking on that could change.

Is the Virus "Fake"?: Unfortunately, there are manipulators on both side of the isle, and it is very sad for me to see various big name conservative social media accounts pushing the narrative that this think is just a flu and essentially a non-thing.  These same big media accounts post photos and videos of conservatives out protesting the lock downs, fanning the flames, but pictures of themselves actually being at the protest are strangely absent...

Is the NWO and Globalist Using the Virus?: Absolutely.  They never waste a good crisis, whether the crisis is of their own making or "organic", they will use it for their ends.  The usual players are pushing for mandatory vaccines, microchipping, near total surveillance, etc...  It does not mean the virus isn't real. It means we have to fight their agenda as well as the virus.

Are the Death Counts Inflated?:  Yes...but again, is this deliberate as part of the plan to hype the virus?  Maybe somewhat.  Often numbers about medicare paying big cash to hospitals for corona virus patients and even more if those patients go on ventilators.  Undeniably that will push some hospitals to label some people who might have other health issues as having Covid-19.  But what is failed to mention with these numbers is two things.  One, this might have been done to make sure that elderly patients would get care, and maybe isn't as nefarious as one might think, even though it does incentive hospitals to miss count.  Secondly missed is just how outrageous the whole Medicare payouts to hospitals are.  There is a context here that is missed.  Under Obama Medicare payouts became harder to collect, but there are still generally highly inflated.  If you look at other numbers of what hospitals get in payouts I think people would be shocked, and in that context Covid-19 patient care reimbursements are high but not as outlandish as they seem.  Also there is this push to say that patients with co-mobidities and underlying symptoms should not be counted as Covid-19 patients and or deaths.  I like to just replace Covid-19 with being hit by a mac truck when analyzing these deaths.  Example, a patient that is overweight, has diabetes, and is in poor health gets hit by the corona virus...replace that with a mac truck.  Now patient is overweight, has diabetes, and goes to the hospital and dies due to a mac truck would you count that death.  Diabetes of course!  Get real.  People are psyoping these death counts to make you think they are more inflated then they are.  I'm sure in some cases they are inflated, but in others deaths aren't counted.  Like in NY it is coming out that many people possibly died at home with the virus, just like in Wuhan, and those numbers will not show.  The numbers should be taken as a guide.

So How Lethal is the Virus?:  Here, I was wrong.  I thought at this point a lot more deaths would have occurred, which I am grateful did not.  Also the curve is starting to flatten out which is great. Some of that is social distancing and the lock downs did help.  I also think the virus is far more wide spread than known, so I think the lethality of it is FOR NOW less than 1% because so many have it don't know it shows up either not at all in them or as a very minor cold.  But this thing is not just the flu in my opinion for the following reasons-
  • This thing is a lot more infectious than your average flu
  • This thing sometimes takes up to a month to show symptoms 
  • I think the virus lurks in your system for a long time.  It might revisit many who haven't had any symptoms, had minor symptoms, had major symptoms, people that are "cured".  It lingers, waiting for some stressing event to lower immune response so that it can try to fire off again.  
  • Those who suffer major symptoms even though they are "cured" and get better are suffering organ damage which might lower their quality of life going forward and their lifespans.
  • This thing seems to morph / mutate fast...symptoms are verying.  Which might be a sign that in some ways docs and scientist are counting everything under the sun as corona virus...or it means this thing is just highly mutatable, or both.  If it is highly mutatable that could be bad as the future direction the virus could take be more deadly and treatment becomes more complex, right now an unknown.
Should we Continue the Lock-downs or Open Op?: I think inevitably the damage to the economy is going to be unsustainable by keeping everything locked down.  In a perfect world we could remain locked down for a few more months...hate me for that if you will...but then economic problems would possibly be more dangerous to the USA than the virus.  Heck I think if we just could have gotten people to wear mask and keep socially distant in the beginning of this we could have probably avoided full lock downs in most areas.  Ultimately I like that the lock down decision went to the states, which if smart in turn will punt deciding on what needs to happen further down to the municipality level.  The one size fits all approach is stupid.  I actually thought the guidelines the CDC put out for the three phased reopening were guidelines and not law...and I thought it was too bad they got shelved.  But they are known, and a good place to start if states wish to follow them.  And to those saying all these lock-down ordinances and decrees are UnConstititonal? I would argue they are absolutely correct.  It isn't cut and dry but ultimately power to do things in our system comes from the people up through the legislature with limits put on place on what the legislature and the executive enactment arms can do.  And although I think the lock-downs in some areas like NY City are highly advisable and should be followed, I do not think they are legal in a strict sense.  Even federal execute orders and presidential decision directives giving the Federal government the power to order lock-downs, if they so chose, are really the executive giving itself power that was not derived by the due process and exceeds the limits of power put on government by the Constitution.  So I agree, even though some of these lock downs I think are wise.

So Should We All Get Vaccinated for the Virus?:  The short answer, at least initially, is no!  I am not an anti-vaxxer per se.  But what people fail to understand is vaccination is a multi-domain issue, not just a scientific one.  There are nefarious interest involved in vaccination efforts...there is big money to be made...there are big corporations involved that have very poor track records of their vaccines being safe...there are context here, vaccines are often analyzed in a vacuum of the single vaccine alone, not in a systematic way of how adding an extra vaccine into the schedule affects other vaccines, other factors in human health.  Plus humans make mistakes, and often.  Especially under the gun and with limited testing and time for feedback.  In short I don't trust big companies, people like Bill Gates and his foundation who might be screwing with vaccines (actually there is no might, they are) to achieve non-stated agendas in the population that if those agendas were exposed and put to a vote not only would those agendas not pass but Bill Gates might and people like him might find themselves in a prison cell or worse.  That is for you to research though.  And removing the nefarious aspect of it, this virus mutates, and people make mistakes, and even though testing done with a vaccine might show it working, negative issues might not show up for years and any vaccine would be rushed.  Surely I am 100% against forced vaccination.  Now if you could prove to me the vaccine is safe, that those that invented it are taking the exact same vaccine that I and my family are expected to take, and the nefarious forces involved have been taken out of the loop, and the virus becomes so narly that I see the need for it, I would consider it.  To some that might be a let down.  But the case would have to be pretty extreme, and even then I would be against any form of microchipping or forced vaccines as I am now.  That might be a cause for civil disobedience.

Are we going into a Depression?:  Yes.  I think if things could open up with little consequence the economy could snap back fairly quickly.  But I don't think the opening up will be without consequence.  I think the virus is going to start kicking off again in a major way in about a month as things open up and more exposure happens.  So things will be shaky.  I also expect foreign relations with China who we unfortunately have grown dependent upon for many things to continue to deteriorate which will affect things.  I expect at minimum intermittent supply disruptions and inflation.  I do not see inflation being a even across all good and services though.  Some prices for things might actually drop, but many food related ones probably will rise.  There is a lot of pressure due to so many people being out of work for deflation, but the powers that be pumping trillions into the economy that is mostly consumed by their cronies is a huge inflationary pressure and endangers the US dollar as being the primary reserve currency of the world.  So are the dollar remains the safe haven, but when recovery from the virus does come, and it will eventually, all those inflationary pressures on the dollar are going to kick in and really hurt the dollar's status.  I worry this problem is further out, with the virus just being one growing cause for US decline among many.  I think there is actually an opportunity presented by the virus for the USA to regain control of it's economy from the globalist, become more self sufficient, grow it's industries and provide a good job base for a futile and growing economy.  Yet the forces that be that outsourced our economic engine to the third world and China are quiet now but very much remain.  Unless we citizens really get serious and I hate to say it but start hanging a few of these types as an example they will be back to their old tricks again soon.  Plus that debt growing and growing and growing, and our society's addiction to it,  might be too great a weight for movements to bring our economy "back home" to overthrow.  I'm hopeful and pessimistic at the same time.  We shall see.  But I think in the short to midterm we are going to see a lot of economic pain.

Are we going to get into a war with China?: I don't know.  I think that will be it's own post.  I am not anti the Chinese people, but I am against the Chinese Communist Party and it should absolutely be responsible for what they have unleashed on the world.  I don't think the USA can stop China's rise, nor should we really.  We do need to make sure that it stops being off our back.  Relieving the Chinese people of their communist overlords would actually help China BOOM and there would be no holding them back.  Even if what we know of China might become several different nations.  It is in the Chinese people's interest, as well as the worlds, to see the CCP go.  War might happen.  

Should you wear a mask when out?  Firstly, I don't think this should be forced.  But quit being a selfish asshole and making it about rights.  It is a common might be sick and not know it.  I'm not talking about going for a walk where you can avoid neighbors...but in public spaces where  close contact with people is unavoidable and expected?  Don't be a jerk.  Wear a mask.  Hopefully a good one.  

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