Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Facebook Post on The Virus

I was going to post this on facebook but I decided to post it here instead.  Mostly this is based off of frustration with conservative friends who generally think the same way I do but are being really stubborn about acknowledging the threat this thing poses for reasons that I kinda understand but the stubbornness of it escapes me....

OK, one last thing on the virus...

I saw some stuff that scared me coming out of Wuhan.  I did some research.  So I reacted.  I posted about it hear because a) I'm off of most other social media places as of January 1, b) I really think this virus is a thing...at least in the sense of shortages, and c) I thought you should know.  I didn't add too many details about it that I could have...but let's take a little test.

Who worked with the CDC and a county level bio defense organization in the past?  Me...you?

Who doesn't get their information from CNN, MSNBC, NPR, FOX, etc...Me...you?

Who does track about 200 military/geopolitical/current events blogs and web sites (down from over 500+ a few years ago) daily...Me...you?

It doesn't mean my conclusions are right or yours are wrong.  But I want to make one thing clear.

I don't give a frak that you disagree with me that this virus isn't a real threat.  You're not my peer group.  The stuff I put out there, gently, was public service.  Take it, or don't.  I've got people now trying to convince me to reach different conclusions than I have by regurgitating crap stats I've seen over and over again already.  Stop it.  Believe what you want.  Don't prep if you want.  It's all good.  I felt compelled to make a statement, it was free, and it is absolutely take it or leave it.  Just like a free lunch is.  And I've always been careful to state yeah this thing could burn out in Summer, yeah it might not be a thing, I can't see the future, I don't know.  But there were definite reasons why I essentially said watch out.  As I think you will see.

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